
Ablaze – Spring 2024

Read the most recent edition of Ablaze to get updates about spiritual formation, expanding...

Recent Blog Posts

National Prayer Tour Update

National Prayer Tour Update

The Wesleyan Church’s National Prayer Tour is drawing to a close for Kingswood student Tom Mason and Kingswood graduate Luke Maiorino, who have been travelling across Canada, praying for churches and communities along the way. Read on for an update from Tom on some of...

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Interview with Dr. Merrill Greene

Interview with Dr. Merrill Greene

Kingswood’s faculty is joined by Dr. Merrill Greene, who is the new Director of Intercultural Studies. Dr. Greene is currently a missionary to a local First Nations community with Northern Canada Evangelical Mission. He brings current, practical missions experience to...

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National Prayer Tour

National Prayer Tour

Prayer has always been an important part of campus life at Kingswood University, with students frequently gathering together for prayer initiatives and events. This summer, however, two Kingswood students are setting off on a prayer initiative that stretches beyond...

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Kingswood University Re-imagines for an Exciting Future

Kingswood University Re-imagines for an Exciting Future

This past year has been one of reimagining Kingswood University, rethinking our methods so we can continue to carry out our mission well into the 21st century. We’ve been identifying what the church needs, assessing our strengths, and then reallocating resources to...