
Scholarships and Grants

We offer thousands of dollars in scholarships and grants each year to qualified Kingswood students, thanks to the generous donations of our alumni and other supporters. We remain committed to making a Kingswood education affordable for all.


of students receive scholarships/grants

Application for all scholarships and grants

returning student scholarships available

On-Campus Scholarships

Presidential Scholarships
Award: $1,000-$4,000 All full-time students are eligible for these academic achievement scholarships. These are renewable annually, based on maintaining the required cumulative GPA.
Scholarship Value per Year Incoming % or GPA Cumulative GPA for Renewal
President’s Scholarship of Distinction $4,000 90% or 3.90 3.9
President’s Scholarship of Excellence $2,000 80-89.9% or 3.7-3.89 3.7
President’s Scholarship of Merit $1,000 75-79.9% or 3.30-3.69 3.5
International Wesleyan Ministerial Scholarship
Award: Full Block Tuition In its commitment to prepare spiritual leaders for The Wesleyan Church internationally, the International Wesleyan Ministerial Scholarship program aids students with potential as emerging Christian leaders from economically-challenged countries of the world. This scholarship is renewable annually with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Students must have:
  • a recommendation through personal acquaintance by a District, General, or Field Superintendent or Missionary membership in the Wesleyan Church
  • acceptance as a full-time, resident student in a degree program
  • a working knowledge of the English language: TOEFL score of 550 (paper-based) or 80 (computer based)
  • a letter of intent expressing commitment to return to home country for ministerial service in the Wesleyan Church
Entrance Scholarships
All incoming first year students are eligible for entrance scholarships, based on the criteria established by the scholarship donor.
$100 Peter Corey Memorial Entrance Given in memory of Peter Corey to a deserving student .
$100 R. H. Nicholson Memorial Entrance Provided in memory of Rev. R. H. Nicholson, former evangelist and painter.
$475 Inez & Eileen Cliff Memorial Entrance Given by Wayne & Norma Cliff for a student preparing for full-time service in Pastoral, Music, Youth, or Children’s Ministry.
$450 H. E. & Annie Carson Memorial Established by the Carson family; awarded for academic standing and strong potential.
$500 Ken & Anne Gorveatte Memorial For a student entering the Worship Arts program, renewable for four years.
$500 Degenhardt for a student entering the Christian Counselling program, renewable based on GPA of 3.3 or higher.
$500 Price-Maxwell Memorial Entrance Provided by Allen & William Price in memory of their grandmothers, Adelaide Price and Alice Maxwell, for a student in the Music Ministry Program.
$1,000 Kingswood University 3rd Place Golf Named by the 3rd place fundraising team in the Kingswood Golf Classic; awarded to a deserving student.
$1,000 PAOC Provided for a student referred by a PAOC District Superintendent
$1,000 Vernon Marples Memorial Scholarship For a student who is moving to Sussex to enrol in a bachelor’s degree as a second-career student
$1,000 BOT Provided by a student referred by a member of the Kingswood Board of Trustees.
$1,200 (2) Pocock-Kindley Entrance Awarded to a student entering the Worship Leading, Pastoral, or Global Ministry program for academic achievement.
$2,000 Kingswood University 2nd Place Golf Named by the 2nd place fundraising team in the Kingswood Golf Classic; awarded for strong academic and leadership qualities.
$2,500 (4) Mrs. Jean Irving Memorial Awarded to a student from Atlantic Canada who demonstrates a strong Christian character and positive leadership influence and potential. Preference will be given to those preparing for local church ministry. Applicants must submit a pastor’s recommendation and a maximum one-page account of their spiritual journey and ministry experience. Renewable for four years based on continued evidence of strong Christian character and minimum GPA of 2.75.
$3,000 Kingswood University 1st Place Golf Named by the 1st place fundraising team from the Kingswood Golf Classic; awarded for high academic achievement and servant leadership.
Returning Student Annual Scholarships
Current full-time students may apply for these scholarships, awarded annually according to criteria established by the donor.
$100 Beverly & Gladys Wilson Memorial Provided by their grandson, Graham MacCallum, and awarded to a deserving student.
$100 Crosspoint Wesleyan Church In honour and memory of the parents of Crosspoint Church whose sons and daughters have entered full-time Christian ministry.
$100 Eva & Robert Samuel Stevens Memorial Awarded to an upper-class student in the missionary or ministerial program.
$100 Gordon & Jennie Bell Memorial Awarded to a student preparing for missionary service.
$100 Lucas & Loretta Branscombe Memorial Given by their daughter, Ruth Stevens, presented to a student exemplifying holiness and outstanding Christian character, who has a desire for evangelism.
$100 Lulu Somers Haywood Memorial Presented to a 3rd or 4th year student who exemplifies the Wesleyan tradition.
$125 Tom Corey Memorial Given in memory of Tom Corey to a deserving student.
$125 Tom Kent Memorial Established by Tom Kent, a man whose entire life and interest was in young people.
$150 John F. McElhinney, Sr. Memorial Provided by Rev. John F. McElhinney, Jr., given to a 3rd year student who has excelled in three or more Christian Education courses.
$150 Milford & Lucy MacCallum Memorial Established by the MacCallum family in loving memory of their parents.
$150 Moncton Wesleyan Women Awarded to a female student preparing for missionary service.
$150 Douglas Stanley Churchill Memorial Provided by the Churchill family to a student who exhibits a humble spirit and strong Christian witness, with a sincere desire to help others.
$150 Kingswood Student Council Given annually by the Student Council to a deserving student.
$150 Wayne Melvin Memorial Established by Calvary Wesleyan Church in Maryland in memory of Wayne Melvin.
$200 Woodstock Wesleyan Church Awarded to a student who is pursuing an interest in missions.
$250 Elaine Ingalls Hogg Memorial Presented to a student with an interest in writing or music ministry.
$250 Gavel Honourary Scholarship Given in honour of Theology professor, Dr. Kenneth Gavel, and awarded to a 3rd or 4th year Theology student.
$250 James & Audrey Ingalls Memorial Given by Elaine Ingalls Hogg in honour of her parents who came to the university with three children to pursue ministerial training for Mrs. Ingalls (’58).
$250 Matthew Pass Memorial Awarded to a student who “displays the fruit of a consistent prayer life,” preferably a student leader preparing for pastoral ministry or church planting.
$250 Rev. John A. Stevens Memorial Provided by the family and awarded to a Pastoral Ministry student in memory of one who followed God’s call to ministry in addition to caring for his family.
$250 Vivian Cowan Memorial Given in memory of Vivian Cowan to a female student in the ministerial program.
$250 Missions Awarded to a student preparing for missionary work.
$250 Kathy Ann Hutt Honourary Given by Kingswood alumni, Myles and Mireille Hutt, in honour of Myles’ mother, a dedicated and faithful follower of Jesus, who provided great support to Myles as he pursued his degree at Kingswood.
$250 Symonds/Brown Memorial Provided by the family in memory of alumnus, Natalie Symonds Brown (’87), and her grandparents, Rev. & Mrs. G. R. Symonds; given for academic achievement & Christian character.
$250 Mrs. Ethel R. (Sabine) Mullen Memorial Awarded to a female student from the Maritimes preparing for full-time ministry, in memory of their mother, who ministered effectively alongside her husband.
$300 Glen McCrea Memorial Given by the family of alumnus, Glen McCrea (’49), to a student who exhibits strong Christian character and a servant spirit.
$300 A. Franklin & Alice Pinch Memorial Awarded to a 4th year Wesleyan male student from Canada who is preparing for ordained ministry and exhibits spiritual leadership.
$300 Frank & Leila Pinch Memorial Presented to a 2nd year Wesleyan male student from Canada with outstanding Christian character and preparing for ordained ministry.
$300 Frank & Leila Pinch Memorial Awarded to a 3rd year Wesleyan male student from Canada who exhibits platform etiquette and decorum essential to being a successful pastor.
$300 Marguerite Collins & Ruth Collins Fisher Music Awarded to a student in the Worship Arts program who exemplifies purity of heart.
$350 Dr. & Mrs. H. Ralph & Kathleen Ingersoll Memorial Given in honour of Rev. & Mrs. Ingersoll’s long and distinguished service as District Superintendent of the Atlantic District, and involvement with Kingswood University.
$350 Harold & Eunice Tatton Memorial Given by the Tatton family in honour of their parents’ commitment to help build the original two buildings of the campus of Kingswood University.
$350 Kathy Backman Fancy Memorial In memory of alumnus, Kathy Fancy (’74), who touched others with her amazing smile, gentle spirit, and grace. Given for academic excellence to a 3rd year female student.
$400 Bernard DeMerchant Memorial Awarded for outstanding Christian character, academic achievement, and servant leadership.
$400 Mrs. Della E. Cruickshank/Bonnie Lea Scott Memorial Provided by a family that loved hosting university students; given to a student preparing for pastoral ministry.
$450 (3) H. E. & Annie Carson Memorial Established by the Carson family; awarded for academic standing and strong potential.
$500 Aramark Given by Kingswood’s food service provider to a worthy student.
$500 Elizabeth Phillips Memorial Provided by the parents of Elizabeth Brown Phillips, for a 3rd or 4th year ministerial student.
$500 Havelock Wesleyan Church Missions Awarded to an upper-class student in the Global Missions program with a definite call to missions.
$500 J. Eslie & Esther Long Memorial Given by the Long family for a deserving student in the Ministry, Missions, or Music Program who has maintained at least a B average.
$500 Mission Legacy Provided by Bill & Marilee Peed in memory of their parents, Preston & Jean Brouwer, and Langdon & Ruth Peed, and their strong support of missions. Awarded to a 4th year student who will complete their internship overseas.
$500 Rev. Hazen & Norma Lee Ricker Memorial Provided by Greg & Shelly Ricker in memory of Rev. & Mrs. Hazen Ricker, given for academic excellence, holy character, and ministry effectiveness.
$500 Salt Springs Church Awarded to a student preparing for ministry.
$500 Saunders Honourary Provided by Greg & Shelly Ricker in honour of George & Shirley Saunders, given for academic excellence, holy character, and ministry effectiveness.
$500 Tim R. B. Mills Memorial Provided by the family in memory of alumnus, Tim Mills (’88); given for commitment to excellence, compassion, and concern.
$500 Edna C. Lennox Memorial Awarded to a student preparing for full-time ministry who exhibits strong platform and pulpit presence.
$550 Rev. E. W. Tokley Memorial Established by Robert H. Landers in memory of Rev. Tokley, whose passion was expository teaching and preaching of biblical holiness.
$600 Leslie Black Memorial Awarded to a 4th year ministerial student for academic achievement and servant leadership, with a heart for evangelism.
$650 Rev. Handley C. Mullen Memorial Provided by the Mullen family and awarded to a student preparing for ministry in memory of their father who was a great preacher and writer.
$650 Rev. Hazen & Norma Lee Ricker Memorial Given by Robert & Darlene Perreault; awarded to a student with a definite call to full-time ministry and who has a commitment to excellence and to continued development of their gifts and abilities.
$650 Lauretta MacCallum Memorial Provided by her grandson, Kevin MacCallum, and awarded to a deserving student.
$750 Ed & Wilma Wissbroecker Honourary Provided by long-term missionaries and given to a student with a definite call to missions.
$750 Junior & Marjorie Currie Memorial Provided by Eric & Charlene Currie in memory of Eric’s parents, awarded to a Canadian student preparing for full-time ministry.
$750 Ritenburgh Awarded to a student who is outstanding in Christian character.
$900 H.K. & M.N. Sheets Memorial Awarded to a 3rd or 4th year Wesleyan male student preparing for Pastoral Ministry, who has a heart for evangelism and an exemplary servant spirit.
$900 Dr. Daniel Heinz Memorial Provided by the family and awarded to an upper-class Wesleyan ministerial student for outstanding Christian character and academic achievement.
$1,000 Dr. Orval C. Butcher Memorial In memory of Dr. Orval C. Butcher, Founding Pastor of Skyline Wesleyan Church in San Diego, CA, who served as Campus Pastor at Kingswood University from 1997-99.
$1,000 Graham Memorial Provided by the Graham family in memory of their parents; awarded to a student in the Christian School Education program.
$1,000 Donald & Marie Harding Awarded to a 3rd or 4th year Wesleyan ministerial student for academic achievement.
$1,000 David Boutilier Memorial Provided by Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth F. Gavel in memory of alumnus, David Boutilier (’75), for a student in the Theology program.
$1,000 (3) H. Boyd & Joanne Carson Funded by Boyd Carson, to be awarded to a student from Atlantic Canada who displays academic excellence and leadership potential.
$1,000 Kontrol Automation Given to a 4th year Christian Counselling student who plans to pursue a Master’s in Counselling.
$1,000 New Creations Provided by alumni, Darren & Janel Clark, to encourage a student in academic achievement.
$1,000 Joan Bauer Given in memory of Joan Bauer and her joyful service to the Lord.
$1,000 Nicholas Keith Memorial Awarded to a 3rd or 4th year student in the Christian Counselling program who is planning to pursue a Masters degree in Counselling.
$1,000 R & J Starks Women in Ministry Awarded to a female student pursuing ordination as part of their degree program.
$1,000 Branscombe-MacCallum Memorial Provided by the family of George & Maryellen (MacCallum) Branscombe in memory of their parents & grandparents.
$1,000 Earle Trouten Memorial Awarded to a 4th year student for high academic achievement and student leadership.
$1,000 Charles & Dianne Clark Memorial Given by Darren & Janel Clark in memory of Charles & Dianne Clark and their deep commitment to their faith.
$1,000 Marion Trouten Awarded to a 4th year student, who aspires to excel in all things, including high academic achievement and student leadership.
$1,050 Ivan & Elaine Ricker Memorial Funded by Presque Isle Wesleyan Church in memory of long-time members, Ivan & Elaine Ricker; awarded to a US student preparing for full-time ministry.
$1,100 Ruth Black Memorial Awarded to a student pursuing ministry in youth or Christian Education; one who shows outstanding Christian character and is a servant leader.
$1,600 Donald R. Moffett Memorial Awarded to a student who is involved in community service and leads by example, traits that were evident in the life of Donald Moffett.
$2,000 (10) Mrs. Jean Irving Memorial Awarded to a student from Atlantic Canada who demonstrates a strong Christian character and positive leadership influence and potential. Preference will be given to those preparing for local church ministry.
$2,000 (2) Dr. B. Frank Ogden Memorial Provided by the estate of Dr. George E. and Phyllis (Ogden) Failing, given to a ministerial student who manifests a strong Christian witness.
$2,400 Edward Rose Memorial Awarded to a student with a passion for evangelism and missions, one who has a servant spirit and strong, persevering work ethic.
$2,500 Dean Edgett Memorial Provided by Elizabeth Edgett in memory of Dean. Together, Dean & Elizabeth served as ambassadors for Kingswood University for 25+ years.
$2,500 Rev. Randolph Nicholson Memorial Provided by Mrs. Jean Irving, in memory of Rev. R. H. Nicholson. Known as a “Painter and Man of God”, Rev. Nicholson served as an evangelist and artist.
$3,000 Zella Blanche Silver Memorial Provided by Lottie Bell in memory of her mother, to be awarded to a young man preparing for Pastoral Ministry who works hard and is “steeped in the Word”.
$5,400 Josiah Smith Memorial In memory of Josiah Smith, awarded to a student preparing for ministry with an emphasis on Church Planting.
$6,000 (2) Lorne & Dorcas Pinch Memorial Awarded to a 3rd or 4th year student preparing for Pastoral Ministry who has exemplary gifts and graces for ministry.

Online Scholarships

Milestone Scholarship
This scholarship is designed to reward online students for perseverance over time in recognition of the unique challenges the online learning environment presents. Details:
  • Awarded upon completion of every 24 credit hours of online coursework.
  • $500 Milestone Award or $750 Academic Excellence Milestone Award for a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.8 will be applied to the next online course in which the student enrolls in.
  • Transfer credits do not count toward Milestone hours; all Milestone hours must be completed through KU.
  • Milestone hours and rewards accumulate and will not expire while the Milestone Scholarship Program is active. There is no requirement that a student be enrolled for consecutive terms.

On-Campus Grants

Kingswood University Grant
Award: Up to $1,000 for first year students and $500 for second-fourth year students
  • Limited number available for full-time, degree students with significant financial need.
  • Must maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA to remain eligible.
Campus Visit Grant
Award: Up to $800
  • Available for first-year students who had a scheduled campus visit during their grade 11 or grade 12 year.
  • Must live outside the Maritime provinces or the state of Maine.
Church Matching Grant
Award: Up to $500 per year
  • Available to full-time students when a local church, district, or denomination makes a contribution to the student’s account.
  • Kingswood will match the contribution up to $500 per year.
  • Funds contributed must not be from the parents or the student receiving the benefit.
  • Payments or stipends for any services rendered by the student are not eligible for matching.
  • Recipients must maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA to remain eligible.
  • The Church Matching Grant form and funds to be matched must be received by Kingswood prior to January 31 of the applicable academic year.
Download an application here.
Multiple Family Member Grant
Award: $250-$750 per year
  • Available to full-time students with multiple family members enrolled at Kingswood.
  • Includes father, mother, unmarried dependent children, and husband/wife if married prior to enrolment.
  • Recipients must maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA to remain eligible.
Shepherd’s Grant
Award: $500 per year
  • Available to full-time, dependent students of parents serving under current appointment by The Wesleyan Church or comparable appointment by another denomination.
  • Recipients must maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA to remain eligible
Wesleyan Membership Grant
Award: $500 per year
  • Available to full-time students who hold community or covenant membership in good standing in The Wesleyan Church of North America.
  • Must be recommended by a Wesleyan pastor from their local church.
  • Recipients must maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA to remain eligible
Wesleyan Loan/Grant Program
Award: Up to $5,000 during Undergrad study
  • Available to third- and fourth-year Wesleyan students pursuing the ordination track with The Wesleyan Church.
  • The Director of Financial Aid will contact all eligible students at the end of the first month of each semester.
Sussex Community Grant
Award: 50% of block tuition per semester
  • Available to first year students that are currently residing in Sussex and enrolled in a full-time degree program.
  • Must have graduated from Sussex Regional High School, Sussex Christian School, or PALS or have lived in Sussex for at least 10 years.
  • Recipients must maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA to remain eligible. If lost, the grant cannot be reinstated.
Missionary Kid Grant
Award: 50% of block tuition per semester
  • Restricted to dependent children of missionaries currently under appointment, recognizing the unique financial pressures facing families involved in overseas ministry. A letter from the supervising missions organization stating the current status of parents’ appointment must accompany the application.
  • Available to full-time resident students enrolled in a degree program.
  • Applicant must be considered an exemplary spiritual leader and reveal a call to ministry, along with the appropriate gifts and graces.
  • Recipients must maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA to remain eligible.
  • Get more information

Online Grants

Mile 0 Grant
Award: Up to $1500 Part of the Milestone Scholarship Program, this grant is available to every first-time KU student enrolling in an online degree program or those re-enrolling after a 5-year absence. Details:
  • This $500 grant is applied to each of the first three courses taken in the first two consecutive terms of enrolment. Maximum value is $1500.
  • Non-degree students taking individual courses are not eligible until a degree is declared.
  • Students transitioning from on-campus to online are not eligible.
Wesleyan Membership Grant
Award: $75 per term This grant recognizes the significant financial support Kingswood University receives from The Wesleyan Church of North America. Details:
  • Available to full-time students (6 credit hours per term) who are official members in good standing of a Wesleyan Church in North America.
  • Recipients must be recommended by a Wesleyan pastor from their local church.
  • After their first year, recipients must maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA to remain eligible for this grant.

Why invest?

  “I want to encourage you today. Because of each scholarship represented here, students have less financial stress. It also opens up opportunities for them to accept experiences and graduate with less debt. It takes money to go through school but we are not in it for the money; we are in it because we have been called. How amazing it is that you are partnering with us and God to fulfill His mission! When financial burdens are lifted, even just a little, how much more effective are we in God’s mission. So thank you! Zoe, Millerton, Pennsylvania, USA